New Business model pour le développement économique des collectivités territoriales

  • style="color:#800080">Création

    Novembre 2017
  • Statut

    Société d'économie mixte
  • Capital

    200 000 €
  • Actionnariat

    85 % public - 15 % privé
  • Siège social

    Bat G 18, allée Gustave Prugant - Moret-sur-Loing / 77250 Moret Loing et Orvanne
  • RCS

    831900857 Melun

MSL-SEM développe un nouveau «business model» pour le développement économique territorial

Commerçants, TPE, PME, PMI, entreprises, vous souhaitez vous développer localement, dans le département, en Région, en France ou à l’international, MSL-SEM met à votre disposition selon vos besoins, un large de choix de services et prestations.




  • Trophées des Territoires septembre 2022 - prix de l’initiative économique et internationale


    En septembre 2022, la Communauté de communes Moret Seine et Loing grâce à sa société d’économie mixte a reçu le prix de l’initiative économique

  • Prix reçus par la filiale Polybiom

    concours LETS GO FRANCE le Trophée de la BIO Économie finaliste des Trophées de l’Avenir d’Europe 1.

    Civil engineering is arguably the oldest engineering discipline. It deals with the built environment and can be dated to the first time someone placed a roof.

  • Prix reçus par la filiale Moret Sichuan import-Export

    Univercity of Dhaka
    2012 - 2015

    La Communauté de communes Moret Seine et Loing et Le Conseil départemental de Seine et Marne ont reçu à Chengdu, le prix de la coopération décentralisée Franco-Chinoise.

A Toulouse, le prix du marketing territorial Franco-Chinois.

Envato Market

Web Developers are build a website’s core structure using coding languages, while designers are more visually creative and user-focused.

  • Revue de Presse

  • Software Skills

    • Ms Office

    • Photoshop

    • Illustrator

    • Figma


    What people say about me


    • Création

      En étroite collaboration avec le service développement économique de la CCMSL, du Département, de la Région, de la Banque des Territoires (Caisse des dépôts) et des services de l’Etat, MSL SEM oriente, aide à la rédaction des dossiers de subventions. Elle en assure également le suivi jusqu’à bonne fin.

    • Implantation

      En étroite collaboration avec le service développement économique de la CCMSL, du Département, de la Région, de la Banque des Territoires (Caisse des dépôts) et des services de l’Etat, MSL SEM oriente, aide à la rédaction des dossiers de subventions. Elle en assure également le suivi jusqu’à bonne fin.

    • Reprise

      Commerçants, vous recherchez un nouvel emplacement, entreprises vous optez pour une croissance externe et souhaitez acquérir une nouvelle unité de production et/ou une nouvelle base commerciale... MSL SEM vous accompagne dans ces recherches, également sur les modes de financement possibles.

    • Cession

      Dirigeants d’entreprises vous voulez céder tout ou partie de vos actions, commerçants vous voulez vendre votre fonds de commerce, MSL SEM peut vous aider dans la recherche de repreneurs.

    • Développement

      Entrepreneurs, vous souhaitez lancer des actions locales de commercialisation. MSL SEM peut vous aider à cibler vos clients potentiels (utilisation de bases fichiers, modes de distribution, médias locaux ...) Achats de matières premières à l’étranger/ exporter ses produits, MSL SEM met à disposition plusieurs services : contacts avec les ambassades concernées en France, interprétariat, traductions certifiées, contacts commerciaux à l’international, accompagnement juridique dans les négociations et dans la rédaction de contrats.

      A ce jour, MSL SEM bénéficie de relationnel avec : Maroc, Côte d’Ivoire, Indonésie, Chine, Taïwan.

    • Economie Sociale et Solidaire

      Tiers secteur, reprise d’entreprises par ses salariés (scop ...). MSL SEM peut aider au montage juridique, apporter ses conseils dans le plan de commercialisation ...



    • iKnow is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

      In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

      That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Kura, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

    • iKnow is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

      In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

      That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Kura, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

    • iKnow is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

      In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

      That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Kura, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.


    Never compromise with quality

    • Wireframing

      Web development is the building and maintenance of websites. it’s the work that...

      iKnow is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

      In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

      That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Kura, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

    • Prototype

      Web development is the building and maintenance of websites. it’s the work that...

      iKnow is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

      In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

      That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Kura, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

    • UI Design

      Web development is the building and maintenance of websites. it’s the work that...

      iKnow is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

      In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

      That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Kura, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

    • Personal Creation

      Web development is the building and maintenance of websites. it’s the work that...

      iKnow is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

      In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

      That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Kura, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

    • Case Study

      Web development is the building and maintenance of websites. it’s the work that...

      iKnow is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

      In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

      That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Kura, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

    • Experience Design

      Web development is the building and maintenance of websites. it’s the work that...

      iKnow is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

      In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

      That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Kura, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.


    What people say about me

    Economie Verte

    Nos entreprises du Pole de croissante verte

    • La première unité de méthanisation en injection spécialisée dans la valorisation de biodéchets en Ile-de-France.

      L’unité de méthanisation Equimeth, implantée à Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne en Seine-et-Marne, est un exemple de la dynamique de la filière méthanisation dans la région Ile-de-France. Elle apporte un service de traitement des matières organiques en réponse aux enjeux de valorisation des biodéchets, et offre de nombreux bénéfices au territoire francilien.

      Site internet : CVE Equimeth
    • Polybiom fabrique, à base de végétal (une plante dénommée Miscanthus) et de matières naturelles, 3 types de produits : Une résine : Un agrocomposite, qui peut être enduit, thermoformable et moulable. Cette nouvelle matière est dénommée Polymisc. Le Polymisc peut être utilisé pour remplacer le plastique dans de nombreuses applications, dont les premières obligations réglementaires débutent en janvier 2020. Une Colle : Cette nouvelle colle d’assemblage offre de nombreuses utilités pour remplacer les produits actuels concurrents, peu respectueux de l’environnement. Un enduit : Notre produit permet d’enduire de nombreux types de surface, (bâches industrielles, par exemple) ainsi de concurrencer en mettant sur le marché des produits compostables.

      Polybiom exploite 5 brevets pour une gamme de produits, tous 100 % biosourcés et 100 % biodégradables

      La Société Polybiom a été créée en 2017 par un collectif d’agriculteurs, une collectivité publique française, Moret Seine et Loing (située en Seine et Marne, Région de Paris) et deux scientifiques pour concrétiser un projet de création d’une filière innovante de nouveau agro-bio matériaux pour fabriquer des plastiques et des résines, 100 % biodégradables, sans aucun résidus de pétrole.

      Site internet : Polybiom
    • La matière est un cycle. Nos sites sont des installations classées, agréées par la préfecture de Seine-et-Marne, pouvant à ce titre recevoir sur nos centres de tri, vos D.I.B., fers et métaux, et sur nos centres de transit-regroupement vos déchets dangereux. Nous traitons chaque année, près de 150 000 tonnes de matières.

      Site internet : DEPOLIA

    • Téléphone

      06 86 49 99 35
    • Addresse

      Bat G, 18 allée Gustave Prugnat - Moret-sur-Loing, 77250 Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne
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